Even faith as small as the tiniest seed can grow into something strong. With faith God can do amazing things through you. Today we are learning about faith and how to help yours grow.
Song Time
Story Time
Craft Time
For our craft today we are going to be planting little seeds, not mustard seeds, but these sunflower seed although are very small will grow into large plants.
Items Needed:
Sunflower seeds
Plant pot
lolly stick
Printout of pdf file below
What to Do:
Add compost to pot
Add seeds & cover with compost
Cut out verse
Fold in half and stick with lolly stick in middle.
Keep watered and watch as your seeds grow. When they are big enough you can plant them out in the garden.
Get Ready for Next Time
Next week we are going hunting for hidden treasure!
The items you need to have to join in with the craft are:
polypocket or large clear freezer bag
small toy fish, shells etc
dried rice
Printout of PDF file below