The Lord God put the man in the Garden of Eden to work the soil and take care of the garden.
Genesis 2:15
God put people in charge of the world and asked us to take care of it. No matter who we are we can all play a part in looking after the world and all the creatures in it.
Song Time
This is God's World
Story Time
Douglas is going to talk to us today about taking care of God's World
Craft Time
One of the things we can do to look after the world is to help the birds and animals over the winter. As it gets colder they find it harder to find food to eat and places to stay warm and dry. We can help in lots of way. Why not try making a bug hotel. You can find out how here. Another way you can help is to put food and clean water out for the birds.
For our craft we are going to make some Pine cone feeders. These can be hung up in the garden to feed the birds.
What's needed:
Pine Cones
Bird Seed
Lard or solid vegetable fat
Mixing Bowl
Tips: Let Lard reach room temperature before mixing to make it easier to combine.
Keep a bowl of warm soapy water nearby to wash hands once you've finished.
Once you've made your bird feeders find a place outside to hang them up. Then watch as the birds enjoy the tasty treat you have for them.