In the Bible it talks of treasure in several ways. In Matthew 13:44 it says “The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field. When a man found it, he hid it again, and then in his joy went and sold all he had and bought that field."
Our treasure is what is important to us. In Matthew 6:21 we are told, "For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also."
We are going to be singing about and listening to a story about treasure today, then you can make your own treasure hunt tray.
Song Time
Story Time
Monica is going to tell us about the parable of the hidden treasure and what it means.
Craft Time
Items Needed:
polypocket or large clear freezer bag
small toy fish, shells etc
dried rice
Printout of PDF file below
What to do:
Cut out 2 A4 size pieces of cardboard
Stick sheet of card to back of one piece
From printout page with verse cut out middle of rectangle, leaving boarder of approx. 1 inch, then make cuts to corner of shape as shown.
Cut rectangle shape out of 2nd piece of cardboard so that it matches one of sheet.
Glue verse sheet onto cardboard, matching cutouts. Folding around edge as shown.
On 1st piece of cardboard, glue picture sheet, making sure shapes can still be seen when 2nd sheet is placed on top.
Cut polypocket to same size as picture sheet. Place rice and shapes inside and seal.
Tape filled pocket over picture sheet securely on all sides. Push rice to middle.
Glue down verse sheet on top. If wanted, tape around edges to secure firmly.
Have fun looking for the treasure and just shake to reset. What else can you find?
Song Time
Get Ready for Next Time
Next week you need to find a bare patch of ground, a large plant pot, old tyre or something similar. We are going to make a wildflower patch.
The items you need to have to join in with the craft are:
Wild Flower seeds or seedbombs
Patch of ground, or something to use as a planter